Burn injuries usually cause individuals excruciating pain. Severe burn injuries not only result in devastating physical trauma, but also significant mental trauma. Unfortunately, a person may sustain serious burn injuries due to another person’s negligence. For instance, someone may cause an auto collision that causes a victim to sustain serious burns. In the unfortunate event that you or someone you care about has suffered a serious burn injury as a result of another person’s negligence, please don’t hesitate to contact a dedicated Leonardtown Personal Injury Lawyer who can help you recover reasonable damages for your losses.
How are burn injuries classified?
When it comes to the classification, burn injuries can be categorized as follows:
- First-degree burns. Burns that are classified as first-degree burns are considered superficial burns. Essentially, this means the burn involves the top layer of skin (outer layer) also known as the epidermis. Oftentimes, first-degree burn victims do not develop blisters. However, the site of the burn is typically extremely painful as it is dry. An example of a first-degree burn is a mild sunburn. First-degree burns are most often caused by the sun, scalding liquids, or hot objects.
- Second-degree burns. Burns that are classified as second-degree burns are considered partial thickness burns. Essentially, this means the burn involves not only the epidermis but also parts of the dermis layer of skin. The dermis layer of skin is the inner layer of skin. Unlike first-degree burns, second-degree burn victims typically develop painful blisters. Additionally, they can expect the site to appear red and swollen. Oftentimes, second-degree burns occur as a result of flames, chemicals, electricity, sunburn, scalding liquids, or hot objects.
- Third-degree burns. Burns that are classified as third-degree burns are considered full thickness burns. Essentially, this means the burn completely destroys the epidermis and the entire layer of skin beneath, the dermis. Third-degree burns have the potential to damage a victim’s bones, muscles, and tendons. Unfortunately, victims of third-degree burns often have no feeling at the site since the burn completely destroyed the nerve.
Unfortunately, there are several different types of burn injuries an individual may sustain. The following are potential burn injuries:
- Thermal burns. These types of burns are caused by excessive heat. For instance, if someone were to come in contact with a heated object such as boiling water they may suffer a thermal burn. The most common type of thermal burn is scalds. Thermal burns are most often caused by fire.
- Radiation burns. These types of burns are caused by prolonged exposure to radiation. Typically, these burns occur when a person has a high dose of ultraviolet rays from the sun or X-ray machinery.
- Chemical burns. These types of burns are caused when a person comes in contact with corrosive substances such as a strong acid which causes serious tissue and cell damage.
- Electrical burns. These types of burns are caused when a person’s body comes into contact with an electrical current.
- Friction burns. These types of burns are caused when the skin is scraped off due to rapid contact with the surface.
Burn injuries can have long-lasting negative effects on a person’s overall well-being. It is imperative for burn victims to seek proper medical treatment as well as acquire the right legal representation. If you or someone you love has experienced a burn injury as a result of someone else’s negligent actions, reach out to one of our determined and compassionate team members. Allow our firm to fight on your behalf today.