Who Should I Sue for My Defective Auto Parts Accident?

Let's Get Started
On Your Case

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Your car, whether fairly new or otherwise, may have never given you problems in the past. But this may not matter if there has been a defective part in your car since you bought it. That is, a faulty part may trigger at any unexpected moment and cause you to enter into a catastrophic auto accident. You may not know who to blame for your incurred injuries and damages, and thereby are hesitant about who you can and should sue over them. Follow along to find out who to file a lawsuit against for your defective auto parts accident and how a proficient St. Mary’s County car accident lawyer at The Dorsey Law Firm can help you do so appropriately.

Who should I file a lawsuit against for my defective auto parts accident?

Varying third parties may be culpable for your auto accident caused by defective parts. This may all depend on when these parts turned faulty or, at the very least, when these faults should have been easily detected. Especially because the correct at-fault party may not have been present at the scene at the time of your accident, identifying them may require careful investigation. Such examination may be made easier with the resources of a capable auto accident lawyer. But without further ado, below are examples of third parties you should look into:

  • A car manufacturer: they may have installed a faulty part into their car model without testing it.
  • A car parts supplier: they may have sent a haul of faulty parts to a manufacturer without inspection.
  • A car parts shipping company: they may have mishandled and broken parts en route to a manufacturer.
  • A car dealership: they may have sold you a car with faulty parts even after receiving a recall notice about it.
  • A car mechanic: they may have failed to spot and replace a faulty part inside your car after recently working on it.

Should I file an auto accident claim or product liability claim?

Again, the type of personal injury claim you pursue after your accident may be based on the specifics surrounding it. If you believe wholeheartedly that one of the third parties mentioned above was fully to blame for your auto accident, you may file a product liability claim against them. But if another driver also acted negligently in the moments leading up to your accident event, you may file an auto accident claim against them as well. Yes, you may initiate both claims simultaneously. Doing so may just be the best way to ensure that you receive full coverage for your incurred injuries and damages.

If you find yourself at a crossroads, please seek the sound advisement of a talented St. Mary’s County auto accident lawyer. Someone at The Dorsey Law Firm will stand by your side at a moment’s notice.