In a court of law, an expert witness is considered an individual who, by virtue of education, training, skills, and experience in a certain field of practice, is permitted to testify and share their opinion at a trial. The short of it is that you should seriously consider employing a variety of expert witnesses, alongside eyewitnesses of your accident event, to support your stance during your personal injury claim proceedings. For this, please read on to discover what types of expert witnesses can help with your case and how a seasoned Leonardtown personal injury lawyer at The Dorsey Law Firm can help you retain them.
What types of expert witnesses can help my personal injury case?
Depending on what type of personal injury accident you were made the victim of, you may seek out different kinds of expert witnesses. Nonetheless, the most common examples of expert witnesses who testify in civil court read as follows:
- An accident reconstructionist: this individual may create physical and computer models that portray the series of events leading up to your personal injury accident and subsequent injuries and damages:
- A medical expert witness: this individual may evaluate your medical evidence to better explain the seriousness and length of your recovery journey due to your incurred bodily injuries.
- A mental health expert witness: this individual may evaluate your diagnosis and treatment for mental health issues and go over how this may affect how you conduct your life moving forward.
- An accounting expert witness: this individual may calculate your medical bills, property repair bills, and other incurred damages to approximate the current and future costs of your accident event.
How do I retain expert witnesses for my case proceedings?
We understand that you are already dealing with a lot with being injured and all. So we do not expect you to take the lead in retaining expert witnesses for your personal injury case proceedings. Rather, allow us to work on your behalf.
First, we will interview an array of expert witnesses potentially relevant to your case and deduce whether they meet the right qualifications. Then, we will work extensively with them before it is time for them to testify on your behalf.
Importantly, your employed expert witnesses may expect to be compensated for their services. And so, we will work on negotiating a fair and reasonable price. Do not shy away from this extra expense, as these individuals may do all the more to strengthen your case and overall make it a successful one.
To learn more about how to handle your civil lawsuit, please get in touch with a competent Leonardtown personal injury lawyer from The Dorsey Law Firm. Better yet, schedule your initial consultation with our firm today.