How Does Uber/Lyft Accident Liability Coverage Work in Maryland?

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With their reputation for dependability and efficiency, rideshare services like Uber and Lyft are on the rise. And although this service may be considered a safer alternative to getting to and from your destination, these automobiles are not immune to the dangers that are presented on the road. If you were injured in an Uber/Lyft accident, you may be wondering how and if your involvement will qualify you to receive financial compensation. In this case, read along to see how a seasoned St. Mary’s County car accident lawyer at the Dorsey Law Firm can work on your behalf to accomplish this.

What are the common causes of Uber/Lyft accidents in the state of Maryland?

Uber/Lyft drivers only require a valid driver’s license and an insured automobile, among other requirements, to work for the rideshare company. The point is that they are just as likely to get into an accident due to unsafe road hazards, poor weather conditions, or, oftentimes, driver negligence. With that being said, the following are common examples of how negligence of any party involved can cause an Uber/Lyft accident:

  • Distracted driving, such as texting or looking at a GPS while driving.
  • Reckless driving, such as ignoring traffic signals and signs, speeding, or unsafely merging or changing lanes.
  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Driving while drowsy or fatigued.

How can Uber/Lyft accident liability coverage service help me?

If you were wrongfully injured in a Uber/Lyft accident, you deserve the financial compensation necessary to recover. Luckily, Uber/Lyft offers a liability coverage service. This service is broken down into “periods,” which determines how much recovery you can receive.

To start, there is Period 0, which pertains to an accident in which the rideshare driver has not yet logged into the rideshare app. Uber/Lyft will not provide liability coverage, so instead, you must independently sue the negligent driver’s insurance company.

Then there is Period 1, which refers to an accident in which the rideshare driver had not yet accepted a ride even though they were logged into the rideshare app. For this, Uber/Lyft will provide $50,000 per injured person, $100,000 total injury liability per accident, and $25,000 property damage liability.

Period 2 is for an accident in which the rideshare driver accepted a drive and was on the way to pick up the passenger. For this, Uber/Lyft will provide up to $1 million in liability coverage.

And lastly, there is Period 3, which is for an accident in which the passenger is in the car when the rideshare driver enters an accident. Notably, Uber/Lyft will provide $1 million in liability coverage, limited coverage for damages to the driver’s car, and uninsured motorists’ coverage.

If you require assistance with taking advantage of this service, contact a competent St. Mary’s County auto accident lawyer today.

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Contact The Dorsey Law Firm today to schedule your free initial consultation with our seasoned & dedicated personal injury lawyers.