Who Is At Fault for Nursing Home Abuse?

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On Your Case

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You may place your loved one in a nursing home care facility if they do not necessarily need hospital attention but still require around-the-clock supervision and care. While you may make this tough decision believing it to be in your loved one’s best interest, you may be devastated upon realizing that they are being denied the essential healthcare they were promised. What’s worse is if you learn that they are actually being abused during their stay. Read on to discover who is potentially at fault for nursing home abuse taking place and how a seasoned St. Mary’s County medical malpractice lawyer at The Dorsey Law Firm can help you protect your loved one from such negligent acts.

Who may be at fault for the act of nursing home abuse?

The potential perpetrator for nursing home abuse may not be limited to its staff. In fact, your loved one may fall victim to such abuse carried out by a fellow resident or even one of their visitors. Without further ado, more specific examples of who may be at fault are as follows:

  • A nursing aide may neglect to escort your loved one to use the restroom or bathe when needed.
  • An attending physician may neglect to prescribe necessary medications or treatments for your loved one.
  • A floor supervisor may neglect to invite and escort your loved ones to community events or activities.
  • A fellow resident may publicly shame your loved one or purposefully isolate them from other residents.
  • A visiting family member may go through and steal your loved one’s personal belongings they keep in their room.

What should I do if my loved one has fallen victim to such abuse?

No matter who you believe to be mistreating your loved one during their nursing home stay, you must report them to the proper authorities. That is, if you are made aware of a drastic incident having taken place, you must call your local law enforcement office. This is so an officer may arrive at the nursing home care facility to write an official incident report.

Also, you should go to the facility at this time. This is so you may speak with staff members, fellow residents, or other witnesses of the incident. What’s more, you may check on your loved one’s current physical, mental, and emotional state, remove them from the facility, and place them in another party’s care if need be.

Lastly, once the dust has mostly settled, you should report the incident to Maryland’s Adult Protective Services at 410-421-2694. This may be in addition to contacting a lawyer, so as to commence a nursing home abuse claim against the at-fault party.

In conclusion, if you are still unsure of your next move, resort to a competent Leonardtown personal injury lawyer. Someone at The Dorsey Law Firm will know which legal option works in your best interest. So call our firm today.