You may have recently suffered an injury at the fault of another individual. The obvious effects of the accident include physical injury, however, there are indistinct but equally important effects to consider. Your ability to enjoy life might be seriously impaired. If you are wondering if you could receive compensation for this situation, our lawyers can help you figure out your options. Call a Leonardtown Personal Injury Lawyer today to learn how we can help you.
What is loss of enjoyment of life in a personal injury case?
A serious accident and its resulting injuries affect your ability to enjoy your life as you used to. Within a personal injury lawsuit, you may be seeking compensation for damages that were caused by your injury. There may be someone held liable for the damages incurred. Sometimes those damages are obvious, like medical bills and broken bones. Effects that are more difficult to identify could be included as well. Compensation could be awarded specifically for “loss of enjoyment.” It could also be a component of pain and suffering or other damages.
You might be suffering a loss of enjoyment of life if your ability to enjoy life happenings has been detrimentally altered as a result of the injury or accident.
How is this determined?
A thorough overview of your lifestyle would be necessary to determine the loss of enjoyment. This may include a personal testimony. You may be required to provide information on the activities engaged in prior to the injury, and how the injury has affected your ability to enjoy those activities. You could be awarded compensation if you have an injury that alters your lifestyle. A runner who suffers a leg injury and must stop running for 6 months is one example. Additionally, you may be able to physically participate in sports or activities that you used to but are unable to do so due to psychological or emotional scarring. Your ability to engage in intellectual activities is another example of loss of enjoyment. For example, if you have been impaired by a head injury and as a result are no longer able to play chess or read the newspaper, you might be entitled to financial compensation for this loss of enjoyment of life.
The amount of compensation can vary. If the case goes to trial, the court will consider many factors before making a final decision.
If you suffered an injury and it has adversely affected your ability to enjoy things that you once used to appreciate an experienced personal injury lawyer can support you in this process.