What if I’m Hit by a Drunk Driver on New Year’s?

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On Your Case

drinking champagne party

It is sad but true that the New Year’s holiday typically sees an uptick in drunk driving incidents. People are more inclined to stay out past midnight at parties, where alcohol is usually present, to ring in the new year. This is no excuse, though; especially because there are plenty of rideshare apps and public transportation systems to make traveling throughout Maryland accessible. Therefore, it is understandably infuriating and heartbreaking if you practiced safe driving on this holiday but you are ultimately made the victim of a drunk driver. Without further ado, please continue reading to learn what to do if you are hit by a drunk driver during the New Year’s holiday and how an experienced St. Mary’s County car accident lawyer at The Dorsey Law Firm can help you with your future, potential lawsuit.

What should I do if I’m hit by a drunk driver on New Year’s?

The other driver’s driving maneuvers in the immediate moments preceding and following your car crash may give you the hunch that they are under the influence of alcohol. If it appears that they are attempting to drive away from the scene, you must not follow them. This is because they are not only a harm to themself but a danger to you. Overall, it is technically illegal to flee the scene of a car accident in Maryland, when other involved parties have injuries or damages to account for. Instead, you should do your best to memorize the car’s make, model, color, and license plate number and relay this information to a dispatcher. From here, local law enforcement will hopefully track down the drunk driver on your behalf.

On the other hand, if the drunk driver does remain on the scene, you must not approach them. This is because, again, you do not know if they are in an aggressive state and a potential threat. Rather, stay in your vehicle until an officer responds to the scene. At this time, you may express your concerns to the officer, and they may be prompted to ask the other driver to submit to field sobriety tests and a breathalyzer test.

What can I expect from my drunk driving accident claim?

If your suspicions are true and the responding law enforcement officer confirms that the other driver was intoxicated, you may proceed with your drunk driving accident claim.

Importantly, though, the drunk driver may have to undergo criminal court proceedings first. This may be worthwhile for you, though, as the criminal court may order the drunk driver to pay compensatory damages to you. And still, a civil court may hear your case when the time is right.

In conclusion, there is a lot to consider before initiating a personal injury claim. To help you make the right considerations, please consult with a skilled St. Mary’s County auto accident lawyer. Our team at The Dorsey Law Firm will guide you toward the best decision.