Unfortunately, many fatal car accidents occur as a result of motorists operating a vehicle while they are impaired by drugs or alcohol. When a motorist does not abide by the rules of the road, they are putting everyone’s lives at risk including their own. The intoxicating effects of drugs severely hinder a motorist’s cognitive abilities and motor skills needed to safely operate a vehicle. Different types of drugs have different types of side effects that may reduce a motorist’s reaction time, coordination, and judgment. If a motorist is impaired by drugs they will not be able to adapt to changing road conditions, which could result in devastating accidents and injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident as a result of negligence, contact a determined St. Mary’s County Car Accident Lawyer who can help you seek monetary compensation for your damages. In addition, please continue reading to learn about the dangers of driving while impaired by drugs.
What percentage of car accidents are caused by drugs in Maryland?
Unfortunately, according to statistics, more than 55% of motorists involved in fatal car accidents tested positive for drugs and alcohol. Motorists must refrain from getting behind the wheel while they are impaired by drugs as it can result in catastrophic accidents and injuries. It is important to understand that even prescription drugs can impair motorists’ critical driving abilities. Drugs can play a huge role in car accidents if motorists neglect to read the warning labels on their prescription medications. Some prescription medications have side effects such as drowsiness, blurred vision, reduced reaction time, loss of coordination, and impaired judgment. Overall, some prescription drugs can impair a motorist’s cognitive functioning which can result in serious collisions. Oftentimes, accidents occur because motorists neglect to read the warning label on their prescription drugs that indicates they should not “operate heavy machinery” such as a car. In addition, taking more than the prescribed amount will impair the essential capabilities needed to operate a vehicle. It is imperative to read the warning label and only take the correct dosage of prescription medication. Furthermore, the use of illegal drugs such as marijuana, opioids, cocaine, methamphetamine, and other stimulants/depressants cause serious collisions as a result of their negative side effects. Ultimately, there is a huge percentage of car accidents that are caused by drugs. Motorists must refrain from getting behind the wheel if they are impaired by drugs or alcohol. This is because, as mentioned above, these substances diminish motorists’ critical driving abilities needed to safely operate a vehicle.
In the unfortunate event that you or someone you care about has been injured in a car accident as a result of another motorist’s negligence, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our trusted team members. With years of experience, we can help you seek monetary compensation for your economic and noneconomic damages. Allow our firm to help you seek the justice you deserve today!