How Do I Determine My Personal Injury Claim’s Worth?

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On average, pursuing a personal injury claim may take as little as three months or as long as two years. Your personal injury accident may have left you shell-shocked and scarred. So after undergoing this traumatic event, the last thing you may want to do is put yourself through a demanding legal process. However, after speaking with a lawyer, you may realize it might be all worth it if you do. With that being said, please read on to discover the determining factors for your claim’s value and how a seasoned Leonardtown personal injury lawyer at The Dorsey Law Firm can help decide whether it is worth pursuing in the first place.

What are the determining factors for my personal injury claim’s worth?

There is no guaranteed amount of financial compensation you receive if you win your personal injury claim. Rather, your claim’s worth is dependent on many external factors, such as the following:

  • The type of personal injury accident you were made the victim of (i.e., car accident, slip and fall, medical malpractice, workplace accident, etc).
  • The amount of economic damages you incurred afterward (i.e., lost wages, medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, property repair bills, etc).
  • The amount of non-economic damages you incurred afterward (i.e., physical pain, mental anguish, diminished quality of life, etc).
  • The amount of proof you have of your incurred damages (i.e., accident reports, medical records, witness testimonies, etc).

How do I know if my personal injury claim is worth pursuing?

You should still deeply consider the value of pursuing a personal injury claim even if you have incurred significant economic and non-economic damages and have enough proof to back them up. This is because, in the state of Maryland, there is a strict contributory negligence law. This law holds that if you are found to be one percent at fault for your accident event taking place, you may be immediately barred from an opportunity at financial compensation.

Importantly, you cannot avoid this law and file your personal injury claim elsewhere if your accident happened in Maryland. Or, if the defendant is a legal resident of Maryland. This is because you must submit your case to the civil court with legal jurisdiction over it and the defendant.

Therefore, if you believe there is a chance you are slightly to blame, it may not be worth it to dedicate months or even years of your time and energy toward your case. Plus, spending significant funds on lawyer’s fees and court fees. Rest assured, our team will never steer you wrong. We will be upfront with you as to whether you have a potentially solid case on your hands.

At any rate, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a competent Leonardtown personal injury lawyer today. We, at The Dorsey Law Firm, look forward to your phone call.